Thursday Mar 13, 2025
Many people refer to your Think-Magnet as your brain.
However, it’s a little more complicated then that. I'll illustrate this with a simple example.
Let's pretend you were living in a cave for the last 90 years and you've never see or heard of HD television.
If you were given a brand new HD TV set and instructed to watch a particular TV program, you would have to first understand a few things: You would have to
know what a TV is? How to operate it? What a Channel is? What channel to watch? What time to watch? What is the name of the program? Etc, etc, etc
Once you understand these basic requirements, it becomes easy to just turn on the TV and watch a TV program.
The same thing is true for your brain. Once you understand a few universal laws and organize your thoughts to create
this "state of mind", your think-magnet is now turned on in high intensity.
Once you are aware that your Think-Magnet is vibrating in a high intensity, you can start purposely creating
things you truly aspire for!
We have put together a series of articles that will help guide your Think-Magnet in the
direction you so desired. All the articles on this website have been written by individuals who actually attracted what they are writing
about. They are speaking from experience. This is very important! (Once you've read the article on "listening"
you will clearly understand why).
We really hope you learn and benefit from the material present here. Good luck on your journey!
Revitalizing your Think-Magnet is very important. Joining our mailing list is a good start.
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